Tagging System

The creation of tag system motivated by the need to categorize and organize the posts. The main features include:

  1. Tag: Add tags to each post and display on the web front which directly link to the tag index page.
  2. Tag Index Page: Create a tag index page to store all tags and providing shows each post meta data according to tags.


Display tag is simple, which takes loop and display each tag in the post front matter (even in text format):

    {% for tag in page.tags %}
    {% endfor %} 

To make the tag jumpable in the post, each tag is specifically defined as a link to the tag index page. (button you can say):

    <a href="/tag_index/#" class="btn btn--info">jekyll</a>

where tag_index stands for the gallery of all tags, and slugify is a filter to convert the tag into a URL-friendly format.

Improve Tag

The hyperlink in the tag shows annoying underline, which can be removed by adding text-decoration: none; to the css file or directly in the href style.

Tags Index Page

Specific tags extracting follows the instruction in Tagging Github Pages, where the exact tag page mainly contains the following parts:

One thing to be noted is that a nice tag index page with organization requiring displaying each category each time. (For example, a tag system where tags are organized according to the first letter of the tag)

However, the jumping in the same page with # as a reference do not automatically change the url in the browser, thus the page will not be reloaded since the handler defined in the tag_pages.js only listen the the url changing.

A workaround is to add a refresh event listener to the specific button (tag-btn) each time the button is clicked.

    // Get all the buttons
    var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.tag-btn');

    // Add a click event listener to each button
    buttons.forEach(function(button) {
    button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        // Prevent the default action

        // Change the hash part of the URL
        location.hash = event.target.getAttribute('href');

The above code snippet is to add a click event listener to each button with class tag-btn, and change the hash part of the URL to the href attribute of the button, which can be registered after in the tag index page.