Scale Plot in Python
Motivated by the need to better visualize the data, the scale plot is a useful tool to show the data in a more readable way. The main features include:
- Scale: Scale the plot to a specific range, which can be useful when the data is too large or too small.
The scaling process follows two steps:
- Define Custom Scaling Function: Define a custom scaling function to scale the data, which should be monotonically increasing function in general.
- Define Custom Formatter: Define a custom formatter to display the original tick values, which actually a inverse function to custom scaling function.
# Define custom scaling function
def custom_scale(y):
# Scale the values differently based on their range
if y >= 1:
return np.log(y) + 1 # Scale up values greater than or equal to 20
return y # Scale down values less than 20
def y_fmt(y, pos):
# Apply inverse of custom scaling to retrieve original values
if y >= 1:
return str(int(np.exp(y - 1)))
return str(y)
# Define a custom formatter to display the original tick values
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter